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Efficient Machine Learning on Large-Scale Graphs

KDD 2022 Hands-On Tutorial

Next Steps

Save Your Work

Make sure to download your notebooks if you made any changes to them. The GitHub repository is always available to download the stock notebooks, found here. If you wish to load the data into your own TigerGraph instance, you can download the full data file here. Then, use the notebook initial_modelling.ipynb to process the data and downsample it if desired. By default, the data loading notebook uses the sampled data file.

Join the TigerGraph Community

There are many ways to get involved with TigerGraph. You can join the TigerGraph Community Forum to ask questions, share ideas, and more. We also have a community Discord Channel to chat with other TigerGraph users.

KDD Tutorial Participant Office Hours

Two “Office Hour” sessions will be held after the tutorial. The first session will be held on August 22nd, 2022 at 10:00 AM Central Time. The second session will be held on August 24th, 2022 at 5:00 PM Central Time.

Tell Us What You Think

We will send out a survey to gather feedback from participants. Please fill out the survey and share your thoughts on the tutorial.